Echos of Chi

Echos of Chi

Last updated: -3

This music track is a slow melodic sort of ambient meditation music.It is a very nice Om Chi meditation music that can be used for meditation and relaxation. Om is the Primordial Sound of the Universe, a sound that connects all. Chi is considered to be the force energy that flows throughout the Universe and through your own body. Listen to the rhythmic chanting to focus your awareness, your breathing and your connection to the earth. The Om Chi chanting helps to release any blocks and bring in positive energy and flow into your life.

Listening to this track is a good way to meditate,concentrate on your breathing and think of nothing but the soothing sounds of the music and mantra chanting. This Om Chi mantra chanting has the power to make you feel uplifted and relaxed. The combination of the different sounds in this mantra chanting music track can have a positive effect on the human psyche and is helpful for destressing.

Om chanting can benefit your mind and body.The rhythm and the tune of the musical Om mantra, give you some vibrations in your body and can bring peace to your mind and reduce tension and stress. Rhythmic chanting regulates your breath and activates the chakras within your body, giving you energy. Music often resonates on a level much deeper than cognitive comprehension, it reaches your soul.

When listening to this relaxing music,a good practice is to be aware of your breathing. Think about your breathing, breathe in and breathe out as you say the mantras to yourself. Om is considered to be a universal sound that exists within every word, being and thing. The origins of Om are in Hinduism and Buddhism, and the chant is also used in yoga. Chanting Om can help to bring peace and calm to the body, mind, and soul.

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