Opalite (Merlinite) Meaning and Spiritual Properties

Opalite (Merlinite) Meaning and Spiritual Properties

Last updated: -3

Power & Benefits of Opalite (Merlinite):

Opalite (Merlinite) is an intuitive,magical, and spiritual stone that’s great for meditation and connecting to the spiritual realm. Its energy grabs you and helps to pull your energy down toward the earth’s core, so you can stay focused to overcome distractions. It is attuned to the four elements of Earth, air, fire, and water. It is beneficial for intellect and intuition.

Spiritual & Emotional Influence:

Opalite is a magical stone that is good for all psychic abilities,flow, magic, yin/yang balance, and accessing Akashic Records. It holds the imprint of the combined knowledge of alchemists, shamans, and other workers of magic. It attracts teachers, visitors, and other clear messages into your dreams and meditations, making it an excellent stone for intuitive learning and connecting with higher consciousness.

It forces you to recall memories and patterns that you have kept hidden.Opalite is calming and helps to develop patience. It helps you to realize that your desires don’t always match your needs, but that the universe will provide you with the people, experiences, and lessons you need.

The Physical Connection:

Opalite is thought to be good for survival instincts and sexual energy.Its energy is said to help address illnesses and conditions that are related to the heart and the intestines. It is also thought to give relief to headaches, stabilize the nervous system, and is especially helpful with the circulatory and respiratory systems.

The Chakras Connected to Opalite (Merlinite):

Third Eye (Brow) Chakra.

Astrological Signs:

Pisces and Gemini.

Locations Found & History:

India,New Mexico in the United States. Opalite (Merlinite) is named after the wizard Merlin because of its ability to attract magical and mystical experiences to anyone who wears it.

Rarity,Value & Variations:

Black and white Moss Opal.Two distinct opaque colors, usually small. Its black colors can vary in shade from deep grey to bluish-black colors. Becoming more readily available. It has a Mohs hardness of 7.

How to Use Opalite (Merlinite):

Wear Opalite around the neck or place the stone behind the ear to help access past lives.

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